Saturday, February 22, 2014

Mingus Park Lantern - 2

The Setacolor transparent (sun-dye) fabric paint dried substantially paler than it looked when wet ... and it has left me with a decision to make --- the lantern edges get lost in the background, because there isn't enough value difference.  So, either I need to make the lantern darker, and leave the sky light, which then causes me to wonder about the moon in the sky -- it might need to become the sun.    or, I could leave the lantern the color shown, which is just about the natural color of the lantern, and darken the background.   

I've mused about it for a few days as it's hung on the design wall, and I haven't decided yet, so I'm going to start with the water, and add blues, and when that's done perhaps the decision for the background/lantern value change will be easier.

Smiles to you -- I hope seeing me working my way forward a bit at a time will encourage you to work on that piece you've got stashed away, or is ripening in your imagination. It seems like all creative adventures take place while building the bridge as you're walking across it  ... we're always hanging out there with no real path, and just feeling our way with our imagination, and inventing the process as we go ... that way lies real satisfaction .... and, yes, sometimes not what we'd hoped for, (alas, so true for me in the kitchen!!) but, I do believe the more often we take those creative chances, the percentage of pieces that succeed goes up!  

I'll post a photo after working on the water.   Til then, I'm wishing you joy and good colors!


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